Colds, Coughs and Breathing Bundle
BundleCold Care Guide, RSV guide and Croup guide - all in one!
Stomach Bug Guide
CourseVomiting, nausea, and diarrhea - oh my! This comprehensive guide reviews how to identify and effectively treat a stomach bug at home, signs of dehydration, how to hydrate your kid at home, when to worry, and how to heal your child's gut afterward!
Sick Day Readiness Guide
Digital downloadReady for sick season? This free guide from Inspire Pediatrics includes Laura's recommendations for things to have on hand in case of illness!
Altitude Guide
Digital downloadBring your kids to the mountains? This essential guide is perfect whether you are taking a family ski vacation from sea level or you live in Denver and are traveling to higher elevations for the weekend. Be prepared and have an amazing trip!
Starting Solids Safely - Guide + Class recording
RSV guide
CourseHave a little baby or toddler? You've probably heard about RSV. Look no further, this is your guide for all things RSV and why it might be a problem for a baby. PLUS how to suction, how to tell if your baby is having trouble breathing, and MORE!